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College of Engineering


Welcome To the College


I am delighted to welcome you to the website of the College of Engineering, and we invite you to join our diverse and purposeful educational programs. Our aim is to prepare proficient graduates in various engineering disciplines who are capable of competing in local and regional job markets, leading comprehensive and sustainable development, and driving innovation and creativity forward

The College of Engineering was established in 1984, initially beginning with the military wing. However, in 1991, the main campus of the college was established in the civilian wing and the college expanded its admission to include civilian students.

The College of Engineering has witnessed significant and continuous development in terms of introducing new programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Currently, the College of Engineering has seven academic departments. All these departments offer a Bachelor's degree in various fields of engineering in addition to that it offers a Master's degree programs. The following table illustrates the current departments of the college and the programs included at the Bachelor's and Master's levels:


Students enrolled in all engineering programs will study a total of (163 CHs) as a minimum limit to fulfill the requirements of a BSc. The requirements for the Master's degree program at Mutah University are determined by a total of 33 credit hours.

The College of Engineering at Mutah University has become one of the largest colleges within the university, comprising a total of 79 faculty members with various academic ranks, as well as 43 staff, engineers, and technicians. Faculty members possess extensive experience to elevate the college to be among the top engineering colleges in the region.

Currently, the number of students in the college of engineering reaching a total of 1893 students, including 1793 undergraduate students and 100 students enrolled in postgraduate studies across different departments.

The College of Engineering Deanship works towards advancing research excellence, innovation, and scholarly contributions in the field of engineering. The deanship of the college emphasizes the importance of establishing new international cooperation opportunities that have a positive impact on the college's progress. At our college we already established partnerships with numerous donor and supporting entities for scientific research, including such as: USAID, GIZ, JICA, Erasmus+, Scientific Research and Innovation Funding (MOHE - Jordan).

Engineering students have access to various support services aimed at enhancing their academic success, personal development, and career readiness. Some of the support services available to engineering students at Mutah University include: Student Chapters: (The IEEE student chapter, American Concrete Institute (ACI-Mu) student chapter, Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) student chapter), Engineering Labs, Study Zones and Facilities, Academic Advising services, Disability Support Services.  

The college granted an excellent reputation among Jordanian and Arab engineering colleges by graduating qualified engineers who have proven their competence in the local, regional, and international job markets.

The college of Engineering is working on a strategic plan for its academic programs to be accredited by the international accreditation committee (ABET), in order to maintain its excellence in engineering education in Jordan and the region. Now, we are in the final process of seeking ABET accreditation for two of our programs Electrical Engineering and Chemical Engineering. Simultaneously, we are actively working towards achieving ABET accreditation for the remaining programs offered by our college. We have already started preparing for this goal and will continue our efforts in the coming year.



Dean of the Faculty of Engineering:

Prof. Jamal Bani Salameh


Tel.  0096232372380, ext. 6125, 6126                        

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Welcome To the College
It is of my great pleasure to welcome you to the College of Engineering at Mutah University. Our College is one of the oldest engineering colleges in Jordan. It was established in 1984 with four College members. The College has grown since that time to become one of the largest colleges in the university. Currently, a total of 67 College members and about 50 of supporting and technician staff with a wide spectrum of research and industrial experience who are involved in well-structured undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Since that time, the number of students increased sharply year by year to reach 3000 students enrolled in six different departments.
The College offers Bachelor Degree of Science (B.Sc.) in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Computer and Industrial Systems Engineering with the completion of 163 credit hours of multidisciplinary subjects, and eight weeks of field training. In addition, the College offers Masters Degree (M.Sc) in five programs: MSc in Engineering Management, MSc in Telecommunications Engineering, MSc in Renewable Energy, MSc in Mechanical Engineering, and MSc in Water and Environmental Engineering. Additionally, the College provides short courses, workshops, and consulting services in different fields of engineering through the University Southern Center for Studies and Continuing Education (SCSCE) to extend its services to community by participating in meetings, councils, committees, and conferences in both public and private sectors.
Moreover, our College has excellent reputation among Arabic and Jordanian Engineering Colleges through graduating qualified engineers who proved themselves in local, regional and international job markets. Nowadays, the College is working on strategic plan for its academic programs to be accredit by the Qٍ Quality assurance and by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET of the United States of America in order to maintain its excellence in engineering education in Jordan and the region.






Created at 12/31/2018 3:33 PM by System Account
Last modified at 2/4/2024 7:14 AM by Jameela S. Maaitah