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Achievements and activities





Faculty of Engineering Achievements and activities since 1/sept/2017

 Based on the role of the faculties of the university play in the preparing an refining for the generation and building the future, and here in Faculty of Engineering we believe in the importance of the student in the educational process, so we concentrate our efforts on the preparation of a confident and grown generation throughout the training and involving the student in the decision making process, this because we believe that the student is a crucial strategic partner  and a supporter in the educational process, and the cornerstone in the development process.

Since the new administration came to the faculty, it has taken on its responsibility that they have to provide the students with the knowledge and the patriotism for Jordan and Mutah university.

 This report includes the achievements and activities of Faculty of Engineering since the beginning of the academic year 2017/2018

In the academic, cultural, sports and social services and we can summary this achievements and activities in the following:

      On monday 25/mar/2019 a training workshop was held in the faculty headed by ENG. Muhannad Fodda

Head of organizational services process in Bank/ AL-Araby, the workshop was about how to use sigma 6 strategies, this workshop was held under the supervision of prof.Sultan AL-Tarawneh dean of the faculty and number of the academic staff attended this workshop and big group of the students especially students of Industrial System Department, this workshop discussed many topics such as the definition of the industrial engineer and the opportunities for him after graduating and discussed sigma 6 strategy and its benefits in solving the problems and the mistakes in the production processes, the workshop ended with by answering some questions from the attendees.


     Workshop about the initiatives of the crown prince organization was held on 19/march/2019 under the supervision of prof.Sultan AL-Tarawneh,  group of the academic staff and students attended this workshop, this workshop came in implementation if the crown prince vision and his believe in the importance of supporting the Jordanian youth, and providing them with appropriate opportunities to reveal their

excellence and developing their sense of creativity, many of the organization engineers talked in this workshop(ENG.Sanad Haddad, ENG.Ahmad Fares and ENG.Omar AL-Aqtash) and they made a presentation about the crown prince organization and its various initiatives and it programs related to invention.

After that a presentation about the Jordainian satellite (JYI) was done, and

A presentation about digital manufacturing and an introduction about the invention lab in the organization, the workshop ended talking about the 3D scanning and printing.


     The scientific workshop titled the “sustainable management for the watersheds and the water security”

that was provided by prof.Sultan AL-Tarawneh dean of the faculty and prof.Esraa AL-Trawneh from the Civil Engineer Department in coordination with Sheffield Hallam university in Britain managed to get Newton Khalidi financial support for the Jordanian researchers, and this program aim to hold speciale scientific workshop to connect the jordanian researchers with their British colleges by the support of the Newton Khalidi and the ministry of higher education and scientific research, and under the supervision of the British culture council and the British embassy in Jordan, the competition was between all the Jordanian universities and Mutah university managed to get one of the four financial supports provided by the UK.

The workshop will be held on 23-25 april, with many Jordainian and British experts in Water and Hydrology engineering and water resources management and floods.



     A seminar was held in the faculty of Engineering in 25/feb/2019 titled “ the challenges for the internal and external national security of jordan”

And the faculty hosted in coordination with the Forum of Moderation/AL-Karak

group lecturers from the national defence to talk about group of topics and the lecturers were :



1: the Strategic Mentor the provost marshal Omar AL-Kfaween

2: the retired colonel Metlaq AL-Ziod

 On the behalf of the president of the university his vice president of the scientific centers and the faculties prof.Yousef AL-Jafareh supervised this seminar, in his speech he valued this cooperation between the mentioned partners in this seminar, and he expressed the university’s desire to become a home for all who want to serve the national process, and strengthen our community and defending as much as possible, the university is on its word delivering the its national message in a spirit of genuine belonging and enlightened insights.        


And the head of the Forum of Moderation in AL-Karak Mayson AL-Mobaiden said the welcoming speech and thanked the attendees and the subject the seminar was about because of its importance and the need  to discuss it in detail.

 “The international society faces many challenges as a result the changes in the international system within the security disturbances and the unfamiliar threats, and the increase of the bad people who seek the misstable in the communities’ security, the Arab world is located in the center of the threatened places internally and externally and the Kingdom of Jordan is part of this community,Jordan managed under the rule of the King Abdullah II and his futuristic vision and its security forces and its people to overcome many of these challenges”

the dean of the Faculty of Engineering prof.Sultan AL-tarawneh said in his speech in the seminar.      


the Strategic Mentor the provost marshal Omar AL-Kfaween mentioned in the seminar the definition of the Joranian national security which means that we must take care about our country and its international character and protect it national elements in face of any threats internally or externally and maintain the national unity.

And  the retired colonel Metlaq AL-Ziod mentioned in his speech that the current situation requires more consciousness for the nature of the dangers on the national security, so we can find the best way to solve and overcome these challenges and dangers, so it is crucial for our national organizations to

build the national values and defend its permanent traits, and at the end of the seminar he answered the attendees’ questions.

 A workshop was held in the faculty of Engineering on 24/Dec/2018 where the faculty hosted Cisco/Estarta Co that is specialized in computer networking, this meeting was held under the supervision of the vice dean and group of the academic staff attended the meeting and number of the students who are interested in the field of this workshop, number of representatives of these companies attended this and gave a presentation about their companies and the training opportunities in (Cisco Networking Academy), the speakers clarifide the nature of the training in this academy and the target audience of these training programs, which are the fresh graduated engineers and the students in their last year.

The students approved in these training programs gain skills and experience required for the labour market and of course they get a certificate for these skills, the outstanding students will be recruited by the company.

After this meeting ended, the specialized committees of these companies started meeting with the students and they chose (5) students from the Computer Engineering Faculty out of (8) students who were interviewed.

The committees liked the students of Engineering Faculty level as they interviewed students from other universities and they didn’t choose any of them to be in their training programs.

      Prof.Sultan AL-Tarawneh the dean of the Engineering Faculty in mutah university with the organizing of the Jordanian (IEEE) office, a workshop was held on 12/Dec/2018 in the Faculty of Engineering in Mutah University about AI, big data and the cloud computing, group of the academic staff and number of the students attended this workshop.

The dean of the faculty said the welcoming speech and included the vision of the faculty for providing the students with the suitable environment for invention and always up to date with technological sector, which reflect positively on the students’ ability on invention, many specialized names talked in this workshop and they are:


1: prof. Ahamd AL-Hasanat/ member of the academic staff of the IT Faculty and he talked about AI.

2: Eng. Mohammad Zenaty/ head of the Specialized Engineers Institution that is related to (IEEE) in Jordan, he talked about the fourth industrial revolution and the modern technology in this sector

3:Mr.Hamzeh AL-Khawaldeh, he talked about the applications of AI  and the big data

4:prof.Mekhled AL-Trawneh/ member of the academic staff in the Computer Engineering Faculty in Mutah University, he talked about cloud computing and its applications and the future of this technology here in jordan.

The workshop ended by answering some questions from attendees.












Created at 2/27/2019 9:11 AM by Jameela S. Maaitah
Last modified at 5/29/2022 8:37 AM by Ali K. Adaileh