The College of Engineering at Mu'tah University achieved first place in the 11th National Technological Festival, held at the University of Jordan, within the axis of green and sustainable technologies, for the project "Designing and Testing Protective Overcurrent Relay Using RTDS" by students Rashid Abdullah Al-Adinat, Abdullah Hussein Aldmour, and Raed Haroun Al-Rafay’ah, supervised by Dr. Amneh Al-Mubaydeen. The project was implemented using Real-Time Digital Simulation (RTDS) technology, available in a special laboratory at the university, making Mu'tah University the only university in Jordan possessing this technology. It is noteworthy that the festival, which commenced on Tuesday, included several projects in engineering disciplines and information technology, with broad participation from various Jordanian universities competing for top positions. The festival aims to stimulate students' creativity and innovation, and to link the expected outputs of research and graduation projects in Jordanian universities with the needs of the national industry. It also aims to bridge communication between university students, institutions, and companies to provide employment and training opportunities for participating students.

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