Vision :

The Department of Civil Engineering and the Environment aims at excellence in the preparation, construction and graduation competencies and engineering capabilities. It aims to provide an outstanding environment for teaching and scientific research, Keeping pace with the times throughout proceedings at the national level and the academic world and through the development of curricula and the development of scientific and administrative staff and the creation of an active role by expanding the services provided to the community.

Mission :

The development of the scientific and academic for all cadres of the College of Engineering members ,administrative staff and students in accordance with the most important international quality standards in this area. Also,working on the development of curricula and study plans in line with the labor market needs of actual and follow-up of graduates, and to assist unemployment commensurate with their qualifications.

Goals :

1- Graduate qualified leaders specialized in Electrical Engineering (Communications, Electronics, Power and Control)and who can meet the needs of the labor market.
2 - Provide students with basic scientific knowledge and impart the skills necessary to perform the tasks assigned to them in the future.
3 - Train students on the skills of applied scientific research in the field of specialization.
4 - Community service.